snow ball

Sunday, 25 March 2018

Khoo Fei San birthday present - Material Scientist in Futurious Project

Paiping - (Futurious Sceintist)
like breathing exercise inhaling and exhaling the O2 and Co2
If you energize the electricity ? 
All ion-ion negative would undergo electricity charges 
(action potential)
The mutual integrating charges from one and another which is mutually exchange the ion positive to ion negative

It acted like having sudden burning combustion and energize electricity in the Eksoz Paip in the car as a filtering cap 
-It acted like defeating power with regard of ion positive and negative
-Ion positive - low pressure geseran (grativity forces)
-Ion negative - high pressure geseran (grativity forces)
( like acted high and low temperature and water cooling)

If the heat is too heat, it has the wrapper (pembalut cushion) to relieve ion negative to spill deep inside the mould steel pairing system and confirm the undergoing mutual electricity charges.
The heat and cooler system help to balance the stability and maintain the balancing mutual charges equality in inflicting the inflammation fire and electricity energy.
- The Cool down the heat system within the body in the machinery part 
- Like you want to cool down the organ parts and biology
not only the inner organ anatomy parts 
just like putting in the chemical cooler water into the machinery surface
- The surface orientation is to provide protection, safety and heat stability ion charges
- It like to have epidermis in the skin system that are place in the inner and out orientation that are captured and protected with the inner lead of the skeleton or bones within the anatomy systems that are not being folded and broken
- Besides this, it acted like each bones and synapse or dendrite in transmission the information for the body movements
-As you need the ganglia system like our hand and elbow that allow the legs can be kneel down - axon potential chemistry and electricity
-Rationale behind
Skeleton wrapped with Proven computer scientist and material scientist 
-Like material that can transmit electricity cable or wrye that allow to transmitted the electricity charges that allow to use the brass and the plastic wrappers in the wiring cable that the inner lead contain the brass inner leads
-Could you imagine if the wires and the brass is just twisted to left side orientation without the wrappers outside the brass ? 
It just because want to safety and ergonomic studies?

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