Violence is simply a reflection of human nature, which does not change.
Put away “wrath, anger, badness, abusive speech, and obscene talk.” It also says: “Strip off the old personality with its practices, and clothe yourselves with the new personality.” (Colossians 3:8-10) Is God asking too much of us? No. People can change. * How?
The first step is gaining an accurate knowledge of God. (Colossians 3:10) When a person with a receptive heart learns about our Creator’s appealing qualities and standards, he is drawn to God in love and wants to please him.
The second step is related to our choice of associates. “Do not keep company with a hot-tempered man or get involved with one disposed to rage, so that you never learn his ways and ensnare yourself.”
The third step involves insight. See the inclination toward violence for what it is—a serious weakness that reflects a lack of self-control. The peaceable, by comparison, have inner strength. “The one slow to anger is better than a mighty man,” says Proverbs 16:32.
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