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Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Purpose of the acquisition for insurance policy

Purpose of the acquisition for insurance policy

Lord was the lord creator to the earth and heaven whether visible or invisible, however, all the nature of law according the natural beauty was decided by the lord. (Colossians 1:16). God possesses the heavens and the earth, and He has the right to do with them as He pleases.

Using the nature versus the environment to describe the purpose of acquisition insurance policy in interpreting the natural beauty which representing environmental friendly, greenery and footprint. This is due to lord  had created the heaven and sky, it encompassed the sun, the moon, the star, clouds and airs. All these objects were having anchoring factors to relay each and other and to explain the relationships beauty factors. The mutual reliance factors could explain the sky, moon, sun, stars, clouds and airs are reflected  love of affection and agape love factors to be reflected the nurtue virtue the environment beauty, friendly, greenery and footprints.

The sky that are being harmonized with our earth is expressing his or her emotion and feelings through out his love affection and agape love in representing the sky was in her heart to open the door entrance to walk in to my dream of life, love of life and also true purpose of life as my option to surrender my faith to the lord.

The sun – It demonstrated unconditional love with his true hope and heart to fill her assurance to faith by taking and considering every love seedless is rooted to encompassed  true purpose of life in sowing the love seedless of life insurance, medical, accidental and familisme love inside the true purpose of life.

We would light up the darkness and walk closely to the Great Eastern Life.
Only love wisdom seedless can light up the hope and  can see the sun light in the sky. This is because we are struggling in the hot sun, we could be tesitifed under a lot of challenges by tasting, experiencing and living to the utmost to reach out eargely and wihout fear for newer and rich experiences. Through these experiences, god created us for something beyond what we can experience in this life, something that goes beyond the pleasure and frustrations. Thus, I would like to pursue transquility, peaceful and calming heart rather to having the life full of struggling and frustration.

Marketing Strategy for corporate programme in insurance industries

Lord created the heaven and the sky and air was the gift from the Lord. At earth, He gradually gathered the water from the sea which represented the wealth from your heart. Therefore, human being started to sow the crop seedless in order to harvest the grains. Where these grains harvested are represented our true purpose of our life in appreciating the life is precious and valueable. Therefore, life is having anchoring  factors to be relied on ages, status quo in single or marriages and preference of social utilities and choices. This is because every task that happened is having anchoring factors to rely each an others to explain the relationships factors.

Everyone knew that all the nature including sky, heaven, earth, waters and land were the lord creation and was not independent that lord gifted. and directed all the inhabitant in the world to pray and bless him with full heart. Therefore, the dependent factors such as ages, status quo in single or marriages, preference choices and abilities to settle repayment of premium life insurance.

God Sustains and Controls His Creation

Independent factors would rely on the dependent factors such as the sun, moon, airs, water and land. These kinds of representing insurance products would have price and products differentiation in leading the heaven and earth. We should say thanks you for praise the lord to our God, lord was lord creator and possess the heaven with clouds. Who provides rain for the earth to satisfy the finest for the wheat in growing as well as the grasses grow on the mountains.  The rain given at this state is meant that the remunerated staffs are helping to deliver services to everywhere from the whole world’s insurance industries. Although everyday, there are given social responsibilities and identities to manage the daily transaction for having couples companionships in dealing all types of rain transaction with the touches of love and care the nations’s citizen of the world. Therefore, every day, sure have people life and death, but they still need to be firm to guard his position in touching their respective clients with altruistic, emphaty and symphathetic by devoting his love devotion and heart to the world whose passed away, and thus, it would receive the blessing wishes seedless compensation in the form of funeral monetary forms from the sun – dream to live or love to live insurance policies.

Business Modeling process (NLP) – Conspicuous Consumption
It is quite important to locate nation’s preference taste such as their perception and notion in shaping their consumption decision making. In the middle of  process, we had to filter their preference choices, welfare(private utility and social effects from the sensation. Among the sensation that we engaged is all about what we see, hear, read about and witness. It help to be a observant and draw conclusion about the affection love through the intimacy and passion is so conspicuous. When making consumption decisions, people frequently consider not only the direct effects of their choices on their welfare (private utility) but also the indirect (social) effects that emerge from societal observation of those choices (i.e., social utility; Ireland 1994).
In the early experiences, insurance industries were being operation through multi-level marketing. It involved great numbers of insurance agents in promoting the insurance products unhealthy approach come with bad culture practice. Although the insurance products and services that operated offered a beneficial social utilities in helping consumers to overcome difficulties and financial crisis. But the image of the products are seem to a bit unhealthy such as the selling strategies – multi-level marketing approach.
In order to break through the traditional marketing approach, we would like to adopt NLP ( Neuro Linguistic programming) approach in changing the individual perception against the image products of insurance policy. Where we adopt the selling, procurement and negotiating in arriving better  ideas in what you looking for. And then try to resolve the conflicts, misunderstanding in looking the solution to dealing with the challenges- bad image in selling strategies or marketing approach.
We would like to suggest to take a modeling business process(NLP) in sowing our love wisdom seedless by bringing endurance love, intimacy, passionate and storage love to the well-being in the society. Among the love seedless that he want to plant and sow is our parents, couples, staff and managements and royalties love seedless.
Besides this, it was not only the protection for the foreseeable future guarantee with the except for, it is also bringing care, closeness, connectedness and emotional support within a loving relationship, but it also brought the passion love at a later times with satisfaction to maximize their one and another.

Social Utility and Feature-Seeking Behavior
An extensive body of research on identity signaling demonstrates that people use consumption to signal to themselves and others their beliefs, attitudes, and social identities (Belk 1988). Various aspects of a product contain symbolic meaning and may convey a particular image, such as specific brand associations (Aaker 1997) and price (Sengupta, Dahl, and Gorn 2002).
Among the business modeling process, your desired outcome would be relied on love and affection love seedless in helping attain the goal of the company, receive the critic and take feedback by building a good relationship and having a positive mental attitudes by implemented a proper business strategy.
Due to bad image and practice of the insurance, we would like to engage a qualified consumer research company to conduct scientific consumer researches by collecting all those key performance indicators by highlighting the consumer research behavior – purchasing decision (preference food), personal environments (wealth and belonging) and information systems gathering about the personalities, value, belief in interpreting  the social utilities through their 5 senses in attracting social utility and features seeking behavior.
If the reputation of the insurance industries is seem like a the throne and thistles, it is worthless and near  to being curse its end is to be blame.
If the reputation of the industries is like a throne and thistles and received such pressure to social control in alter the perception of nation’s  to interprete that insurance acquisition is showing love affection, passion and compassion to your love one. Where such efforts had to redefine the social goal in order to achieve the role of rationality to inform that insurance is a kind of protection for the foreseeable future to your lover, parents, children, staffs and managements, factory worker, sibling and immediate families members, Thus, Great Eastern Life desire to show earstness in realizing in lighting the wishes light in walking to the darkness pathway, but the imitator those whose faith and patients inherit the promises to love your enemies and pray for those whose prosecute you. This is because enemies is all your obstacles and failure that you are walking in the darkness pathway, the only one that you can trust is the Great Eastern is delivery her angel hand in overcome your difficulties and problems by acquiring the love to life or dream to life insurance policies through out your retirement time in companionship with the trusted lover.
Given in this state, the social utility from consumption was originally from protection for the foreseeable future, but it also associated with inferences about the land has drunk. It means the society or palace of the serenity of insurance industries had drunk. Where its social status, wealth and social perception about this insurance industry is quite money making profit orientation,  Therefore, in order to cultivated and received blessing from the lord, we do pray for rain to be fallen in shaping another touching business model process to become love business model.  By having anchoring factors to demonstrate the affection love into passion and compassion love to show your agape love to your lover one. From here, the love business process strategy become convincing that better communication and developing influencing skills that targeted your consumers marketing strategy. It helped to upgrade and promote the quality of products to posits awareness that features of these insurance products and policies had altered the negativity image into healthy awareness and impression in maintain well-being for the society.

Feature-Seeking Behavior and Impression Management
We would like to impress insurance products and policies to have “intimacy, passion, affection and agape love features’ in attaching the features seeking behavior and impression managements. By incorporating the meta-programme  features, we would like to examine and evaluate the social utility in the eyes of appearance of the nation citizens to choose the most chosen impression management programme. This is to comply with consumers” desire to seek feature rich product in the context of impression management theory ( Tedeschi 1981).
Besides this, to be effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and the use this understanding as a guide to our communication with  others, Tony Robinns. In order to understand the perceived nature of the insurance product differentiation, we should sense our product and services is having incompetence and discrimination, bias and shortage.  Therefore we would like to change these existing multi-level marketing approach into using rapport building initiation and implementation through consumer research company, home based insurance company or through setting the booth via in connecting the network audiences in having correspondence with the international conferences and meetings. Therefore, it ease the promoter or sales agents to explore new targets from the new markets and open an eyes of appearance and image to re-design the business model process by incorporating the true love and affection features inside the products and services.
Research on achievement goals shows that the desire to avoid a demonstration of incompetence, also referred to as “performance- avoidance goals” (Elliot and McGregor 2001), reduces people’s risk-taking behavior, increases preference for easier tasks (Jagacinski, Kumar, and Kokkinou 2002), and can provide social value by increasing interpersonal liking (Darnon et al. 2009).

Marketing Strategies insurance policies

Theme title : Nurtue versus environment
Lord had created the heaven and sky, it encompassed the sun, the moon, the star, clouds and airs. All these objects were having anchoring factors to relay each and other and to explain the relationships beauty factors. The mutual reliance factors could explain the sky, moon, sun, stars, clouds and airs are reflected  love of affection and agape love factors to be reflected the nurtue virtue the environment beauty, friendly, greenery and footprints.

The sky that are being harmonized with our earth is expressing his or her emotion and feelings through out his love affection and agape love in representing the sky was in her heart to open the door entrance to walk in to my dream of life, love of life and also true purpose of life as my option to surrender my faith to the lord.

The sun – It demonstrated unconditional love with his true hope and heart to fill her assurance to faith by taking and considering every love seedless is rooted to encompassed  true purpose of life in sowing the love seedless of life insurance, medical, accidental and familisme love inside the true purpose of life.

We would light up the darkness and walk closely to the Great Eastern Life.
Only love wisdom seedless can light up the hope and  can see the sun light in the sky. This is because we are struggling in the hot sun, we could be tesitifed under a lot of challenges by tasting, experiencing and living to the utmost to reach out eargely and wihout fear for newer and rich experiences. Through these experiences, god created us for something beyond what we can experience in this life, something that goes beyond the pleasure and frustrations. Thus, I would like to pursue transquility, peaceful and calming heart rather to having the life full of struggling and frustration.

The moon – mother love seedless
The moon would provide a soft light during the period of darkness, It help the enemies do good deedless and lending an angel hand to reward them their evil and wickness desires. This kind of insurance would encompassed the enemies to incorporated in the accidents, medical and familisme insurance products and policies. Among the insurances policies that we would like to rename its products it called : -

Dream to Life insurance
Love to insurance
Familisme love insurance

Darkness referred enemies that are being comprised pathogen factors such as accidental (human error, mistake & lapsed), familisme broken and lost, social and medical illness would lead to mentally and psychologically disturbance and distress for illness suffering and struggling.


I will greatly multiply your seed as the stars of the heavens and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your seed shall possess the gate of their enemies.

Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness like the stars for ever and ever.”

The stars was one of the nature which representing the environment greenery in reflecting the nature of environment beauty in leading the direction, righteousness and wisdom in shinning the love seedless light in nurture and cultivated all the children direction – education insurance policies.

The stars is the children of the sun and the moon. Where their relationships with the stars is like sibling love which represented fraternal love or familial love. These kind of love is the love of companions with familial members where such love called storage love.

Storage love is a kind of safe and comforting and gradual how it grows and developed since live together since birth. It would considered as love tied with marriage, family, kids and also some close relationship factors at the home.

Among the products that we can quote is like love wisdom seedless – education insurance policies, finance seedless policies, which encompassed the estate’s planning, property transfer (CKHT), stamp duties, will writing, endowment and financial planning programme. These kind of storage love is grow like you are from young as a youth and being walked closely used your footprint to reflect the real direction of your financial planning, education planning, estate planning and etc. He would see his potential future bright light whose will shinning twinkle little stars in the darkness, he still able to see his future if any unpredicted factors became strife. The stars – storage love insurance policies would become his lifelong partners companionships



Debora V. Thompson and Michael I. Norton (2011), “ The Social Utility of Feature Creep,” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol XLVIII ), 555-565.

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