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Sunday, 1 April 2018

Ownership of the Land

Dedicated : Jason Tan Chee Siang.

Ownership of The Land
Joshua 21: 43  Towns  For The Levites
So the Lord gave Israel all the land he had sworn to give their forefathers 祖先 and they took possession of it and settled there. The Lord gave them rest on every side, just as he had sworn to their forefather.

Not one of their enemies withstood 承受 them
The Lord handed all their enemies over to them. 
Not one of all the Lord's good promises to the house of Israel failed, every one was fulfilled. 

Matthew 24: 6 Signs of the End of The Age
You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things much happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against Kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various place. All those are the beginning of 
burt hpains.

Rationale of the Analysis
The land is being occupied and and being transacted with the contract signing. The contract is to be signed for not having disturbance by the enemies. One of the reason to be signing is to stop the rumors of having wars. And second for harmonization for the nations. 

Therefore, the ibis, devil and satan darkness power won't be revenged in any form of famines, earthquakes in various place.

1 king 2: 5 
As a consequences, the Darkness kill, shedding their blood in peacetime as in battle. and with that blood stained留下污迹 the belt around his waist and the sandals on his get. Deal with him according to your wisdom, but do not let his graying雕刻;  your town, but do not let his gray head go down to the grave in peace. 

Wisdom :- Ways to turn Evil ways 
God blessed Solomon wisdom and very great insight, and breath of understanding as measureless as the sand and the sea-shore. Let evil ways and their violence, who knows ?

 God  is quite fierce anger to relent 變寬容 with compassion 怜悯,恻隐之心.  so that we will not being justified and discriminating  with the intention to be perished 死亡;消亡;毁灭, 衰退. 

Jonah 3: 8 Jonah Goes to Niveveh
When the god saw the evil and darkness power on his evil ways due to his anger  wanna to poison and make every one into destruction and to be threatened. ? 

上帝保佑人民叫他們離開這個王國,所謂心中的和平的家園就是心靈與環境的美麗溝通。如何呢? 上帝暗示了這個淨土將會遭受大災難如風災。如何要解決所有的社會不平呢 ? 就是智慧果。为了这场灾难,上帝用一个怜悯的心及宽容的平衡這場災難的痛苦的罹難者。


1 king 1: 31 David's charge to Soloman 
Joab guilt of the innocent blood and shed. This is because the lord will repay nations for the blood shed, because without the knowledge of my father David he attacked two men and killed them with the sword. 

May the guilt of blood rest on the heat of Joab(J) and his descendants forever.

因為黑勢的壓力,許多無辜百姓被一場災難流血成海。因為在一場戰爭的惡勢力的壓力下,他把心中的怨氣及不滿的所有的發生是不到他控制範圍。所以他立自要宰殺全世界的人,因為他不滿自己被無辜冤枉要受苦受難,但是他無端端把 E&Y當著一條魚餌來釣魚,利用E&Y的名譽地位來當作他的避風港的江山來借刀傷人及讓人互相吃醋及吹北極風,也許他喜歡看見別人咋咋跳,生不如死,看見E&Y受苦受難,也許也借E&Y的名譽地位來收購及收買人心。因為想當年 馬來西亞E&Y的名譽與地位就如江山美人的秦使王一樣收買人心。只有他的一句話,要LAI YEN 死就死,CHOOI LING 死就死。

和况,妈妈的背景只是家庭主妇与理发师,他如何与E&Y的大老板沟通以及要登在中国报,爸爸是做机械化的打公仔,请问E&Y有什么直接关系与E&Y打交道,请 DR, CHONG KWAI FATT 主持公道。(PROXIMITY RELATIONSHIPS -REASONABLE CARE RELATIONSHIPS。

But do not let his graying雕刻;  your town, but do not let his gray head go down to the grave in peace.  没有暴力

The SATAN or Baal only know how to grave 雕刻 walls with different shapes, personalities, pictures, colors, customs and value deep inside his heart. That means that the carpenter is having comfort and pressure to grave or shape the personality into different  staff's learning curve to behave and follow his custom and value that are printed in his Kingdom of God - JTA EURA AUDIST  Malaysia.

Matthew 5: 17 Love for Enemies
He cause his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteousness and the unrighteous. 

(Proverbs 14:30)
Competition is everything. Oppression obviously damages relationships. So does envy but more subtly 暗淡的

A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots 腐烂 the  bones.

2 King : 5
But do not let his graying雕刻;  your town, but do not let his gray head降低,减少go down to the grave 严峻的,埋葬处,peace. 

Even there is a competitiveness, strife, malice, slanders, forces and wickness in ruining your relationships due to oppression forces. It just because the sadist damage his master-servant relationship, such as damages his crops,  until his comfort zone become grave in peace i.e helpless and hopeless state (grave peace). If your bones become damages, how you become normal function in socialize.

Matthew 24: 12  Signs of The End of The Age
It has increased of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stand firm to the end will be saved. And This gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony fo all nations, and then the end will come. 

He cause his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteousness and the unrighteous. 




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