snow ball

Saturday, 20 October 2018



(l) Insurance Contract (continued) (i) Product Classification (continued) Surpluses in the DPF funds can be distributed on an approximate 90/10 basis in accordance with BNM’s guidelines -

Management of Insurance Funds to the policyholders and the shareholder respectively. The Company has the discretion over the amount and timing of the distribution of these surpluses to policyholders. All DPF liabilities, including unallocated surpluses, both guaranteed and discretionary, at the end of the reporting period are held within insurance or investment contract liabilities, as appropriate. 

Definisi Insurans 

Setiap pemilik polisi insurans menaruh harapan yang tinggi terhadap masa hadapan mereka, dimana mereka memiliki nafsu serta ilmu pengetahuan untuk membina sebuah rumah yang selamat serta kukuh terutamanya dalam mengeratkan hubungan mesra, cinta, selamat bagi menaruh harapan bijih benih yang memiliki multi vitamins serta mineral yang sihat, lazat serta berzat. Selain daripada itu, setiap pemilik polisi insurans merupakan satu pelita hidup bagi menginsuranskan nyawa kami dalam menghidupkan nyawa harapan spiritual serta carian hidup harian alat aparatus bagi menghidupkan nyawa serta harapan bijih benih, terutamanya sasaran kumpulan yang kurang bernasib baik apabila mereka hilang primari atau sekunder pertolongan serta sokongan daripada ahili keluarga.

Maka, setiap industri insurans memiliki sosial tanggungjawab bagi mencipta produk insurans kontigensi bagi menginsuranskan semua kemalangan serta disasters alam semulajadi dapat diinsuranskan dengan pampasan ganti rugi yang seimbang, walaupun disasters adalah berpunca daripada secara semulajadi atau tidak bercara alam semulajadi. Ini adalah kerana setiap disasters alam semulajadi adalah berpunca daripada kecuaian manusia, kesalahan serta slips and lapse mengenai tingkah laku manusia adalah kebanyakan berpunca daripada permulaan kognitif, kelakuan serta respons tehadap emosi. Walaupun kecuaian manusia boleh diinsuranskan, ia dengan syarat memenuhi konteks insurans polisi adalah bertujuan untuk mengembalikan konteks persekitaran kawalan dalaman atau stocks yang dimusnah, diceroboh, dicuri, dibakar, dibasuh oleh pencemaran air serta banjir. Ini adalah bertujuan untuk mengembalikan tahap keyakinan, sosial sekuriti keselamatan, status kewangan yang kukuh,  bagi menjamin masa depan sosial sekuriti terutamanya kepada kumpulan orang yang kurang bernasib baik, warga emas, orang yang cacat serta pesakit yang kritikal dapat bantuan serta pertolongan yang secepat mungkin supaya semua kumpulan yang bernasib baik dapat pertolongan dengera segera dengan menbina sebuah korporat tanggungjawab sosial yang bersukarela dengan menerima segala bantuan serta pertolongan segera. Ini adalah kerana masyarakat sosial tidak patut memberi fokus utama dalam mengaji kajian roket, senjata bernuklear atau senapang dan pistol bagi mengukuhkan status quo tertamanya di dalam masyarakat konteks sosial, politik, teknologi dan perundangan yang setimbang waras yang wajar.

Adakah setiap industri multi nasional akan melaksanakan korporat tanggungjawab dalam membaharui insurans pendidikan pinjaman secara balas budi serta mengikut tahap pencapaian akademik. Dimana, mereka fokus kepada kumpulan sasaran kanak-kanak kecil dengan menyalurkan saluran pertolongan dalam bentuk insentif pendidikan dalam pinjaman kewangan. Dengan cara itu, kebanyakan industri multi nasional akan menyebar bijih benih yang cinta serta setia kepada multi nasional tersebut dalam menanam semangat patriotik, taat setia serta hormat-menghormati terhadap korporat syarikat yang disalurkan pinjaman selama ini.

Dengan cara ini, walaupun multi nasional korporat
invest in rumah anak yaktim
pooling fund those from unfortunate
how to earn money ?
fokus kepada warga emas, ilmu pengetahuan yang berharga serta bernilai
memberikan inspirasi, idea serta generasasi ilmu pengetahuan dalam memberi sumbangan idea
terhadap proses pemprosesan secara keseluruhan dalam memberikan idea aspirasi  produk, tempat, harga serta masa dalam proses pemetakan pasaran.

insurans pendidikan - sekolah, hospital,
produk polisi insurans yang kurang bernasib baik di kalangan industri yang berat,
tujuan menyalurkan bantuan biasiswa semasa budak kecil sehinggan universiti, dia perlu melaporkan diri balik tehadap industri syarikat yang diinsuranskan bagi membalas budi. Dimana, budak yang bernasib kurang yang baik akan menerima sejumpalah wang sara hidup yang optimal, dimana sebahagian pula akan dipulang balik. Pada masa yang sama, semua belanja and pendapatan wang tunai masuk keluar and masuk adalah sangat cair serta pusingan ganti balanja penghutang adalah sangat cair serta tidak ketak, maka gearan syarikat tersebut adalah dipanggil sihat serta selamat hidup berlebih-lebih tahun yang lepas itu.

showing pleasure of appreciation and gratitute, emphaty, altruism to those who need the support from the tree of life of insurance industry in donation the bloodstream of human being in supplying the moisture of help of angel hand for those victimisation that to touch your emphaty heart and hands in holding your hand to strengthen your root, stem and leaves for long term survival in your kingdom of lord to continue your life and hope in order to undergoing what is life and death. All these undergoing process is help you understand what is the meaning purpose of life. As we knew that, life is full of challenges and trials in pressing our pressure in developing our limited cognitive wisdom in lifting
 lifting up our wisdom and pressure in maintaining the healthy social lifestyle. Thus, we are able to cope the challenges and pressure in maintaining any contingency that might have any social uncertainty and remote losses in facing any losses and damages in reporting back any unforeseen liabilities and damages as coverage in compensating their supporting collateral damages as a investment tool to pool their risks in payback their internal rate of returns of their professional insurance indemnity coverage.

As we knew our society is very cruel and very selfish, there is no any formal and official knowledge, rules and regulation to govern and supervise those unfortunate group of victims in helping to raise up in the event of any uncertainty and risks that might pose tho those victims in facing their struggling and difficulties in praying the help from the angels of Great Eestern Life Bhd. (Great Eastern Life Bhd is stand for Gentle Eyes in saving our life ), the phrase of < in saving our standing for Bhd or plc),  爱心天使如观世音菩萨在救济大苦大难的罹难者的慈善机构,永远

Great Eastern Life Bhd is to pooling their confidence, trust, faith of stakeholders in accumulating the wealth and prosperity in helping the poor people in maintain social security individually. The concept where we used is to gather those lucky person wealth and giving angel hands to unlucky person by averaging their risk in awaiting maturity period and at the same time in return back their invested funds through out the periods by taken into account of  rates of return in paid back their IRR returns.The  rationale behind the investment tools is to leverage all the stakeholder's fund in pooling the collection and invested portfolio of the investment income and earning working capital cashflow income. In order to meet the demand and supply of the critical funds from the whole world in achieving the threshold of safety levels in allocating and distributing 

corporate governance

心中园知觉  上帝滴懊悔泪佛珠

profesionalism  - judgement, bias, expectation
bible study - pouring of raining moisture, poor and rich
DPF - contigent liabilities, foreseeable remote loss - estimation losses
sound system of internal control - 
investment held for maturity period - amortisation cost

Amortized cost is that accumulated portion of the recorded cost of a fixed asset that has been charged to expense through either depreciation or amortization. Depreciation is used to ratably reduce the cost of a tangible fixed asset, and amortization is used to ratably reduce the cost of an intangible fixed asset.

For financial options and guarantees which are not closely related to the host insurance contract and/or investment contracts with DPF, bifurcation is required to measure these embedded derivatives separately at fair value through profit or loss. 

However, bifurcation is not required if the embedded derivative is itself an insurance contract and/or investment contract with DPF, or if the host insurance contract and/or investment contract itself is measured at fair value through profit or loss. For the purpose of product classification, the Company adopts maximum policy benefits as the proxy for insurance risk and cash surrender value as the proxy for realisable value of the insurance contract on surrender. The Company defines insurance risk to be significant when the ratio of the insurance risk over the deposit component is not less than 105% of the deposit component at any point of the insurance contract in force. Based on this definition, all policy contracts issued by the Company are considered insurance contracts as at the date of this balance sheet. 

(ii) Types of Insurance Contracts Insurance contract liabilities are classified into principal components as follows: 

(a) Life Assurance contract liabilities comprising: - Participating Fund contract liabilities; - Non Participating Fund contract liabilities; and - Investment Linked Fund contract liabilities.

(b) Reinsurance contracts

 (iii) Life Assurance Contract Liabilities Insurance contracts are recognised and measured in accordance with the terms and conditions of the respective insurance contracts and are based on regulatory guidelines. Premiums, claims and benefit payments, acquisition and management expenses and valuation of future policy benefit payments or premium reserve as the case may be, are recognised in the income statement of the respective fund。

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