snow ball

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

八仙下凡 第01集 | 最佳中国仙侠剧

南無阿彌陀佛 聖號 60 分鐘 Namo Amitabha พระอมิตาภพุทธะ 아미타불

《妈祖》 第1集 观音菩萨与赤脚大仙暗收默娘为徒 (主演:刘涛、严屹宽、刘德凯)| CCTV电视剧

《妈祖》 第1集 观音菩萨与赤脚大仙暗收默娘为徒 (主演:刘涛、严屹宽、刘德凯)| CCTV电视剧

《妈祖》 第1集 观音菩萨与赤脚大仙暗收默娘为徒 (主演:刘涛、严屹宽、刘德凯)| CCTV电视剧

《妈祖》 第1集 观音菩萨与赤脚大仙暗收默娘为徒 (主演:刘涛、严屹宽、刘德凯)| CCTV电视剧

【慈悲佛曲】►阿弥陀佛心咒 ● 静心版◄

【慈悲佛曲】►阿弥陀佛心咒 ● 静心版◄

Monday, 29 October 2018


Bilakah Kubalas (Official Music Video) - Maria Shandi

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Tuhan pasti sanggup

Maria Shandi - Tuhan Pasti Sanggup

3 years ago65 views
Maria Shandi - Tuhan Pasti Sanggup
feat Mike Idol
Album : Masih Ada Tuhan

* Mike *
Kuatkanlah hatimu
Lewati setiap persoalan
Tuhan Yesus selalu menopangmu
Jangan berhenti harap padaNya..

Tuhan Pasti Sanggup...
TanganNya takkan terlambat 'tuk mengangkatmu
Tuhan Masih Sanggup...
Percayalah, Dia tak tinggalkanmu...

* Maria Shandy *
Kuatkanlah hatimu
Lewati setiap persoalan
Tuhan Yesus selalu menopangmu
Jangan berhenti harap padaNya..

Tuhan Pasti Sanggup...
TanganNya takkan terlambat 'tuk mengangkatmu
Tuhan Masih Sanggup...
Percayalah, Dia tak tinggalkanmu...

*Mike & Maria Shandy*
Tuhan Pasti Sanggup...
TanganNya takkan terlambat tuk mengangkatmu
Tuhan Masih Sanggup...
Percayalah, Dia Masih Sanggup...
Tuhan Pasti Sanggup...
TanganNya takkan terlambat tuk menganggkatmu
Tuhan Masih Sanggup...
Percayalah, Dia tak tinggalkanmu...

Bridge :
Percayalah, (percayalahhh...)
Percayalah, ( kita harus percaya ..)
Percayalah, Dia kan mengangkatmu...

Dapatkan di:
atau SMS Pemesanan : 087 888 733 448

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Dengarkan Gratis Lagu-lagu rohani terbaik & Khotbah Rohani 24 Jam bisa didengarkan di seluruh dunia hanya di:

Maria Shandi:Tuhan Masih Sanggup

Maria Shandi - Dia Mengerti


FIENA - Tuhan Jaga Dia Untukku (Official Music Video)


Sunday, 28 October 2018


Dedicated To Jason Tan

Mensus Area
Our soul and heart (spiritual) is not engaging / involving those illegal intention and evil intention in manipulative or deceptive dirt minds in manipulating or occupy other people prosperity, abuse other people faith including all those faith, jewellery, land and buildings,

Litigation Claim that are going to claim : -
Jason Tan Chee Siang, Jackson Chow, Andrew Kok Keng Keong and Wong Lai Yen is suing ours against the we are innocently and never taking legal action and responsibilities in taking care the innocent victimization whose suffered from Postraumatic Stess Disoerder and depression until to commit suicide simultaneously or some people lost their main support and main primary incoming income to build our hometown.

Roots :
Breach of duty of care in lifting up as an Professionalism -  Independence appearance and mind, confidentiality, integrity, objectivity, technical competence.

Causes : ANNOVA Factors
Professional Independence
-          Professional Qualification

Professional Appearance
-          Spiritually Reality As  Innocence Children


wrongdoer; an individual who commits a wrongful act that injures another and for which the law provides a legal right toseek relief; a defendant in a civil tort action.

Case Law : Trespass to other wealth of people Like Yahudi 
Concept  - Tortfeasors who cause such accidents do not harm their victims deliberately.  Nor can they identify those victims in advance and negotiate with them the risk of accidents and the prospect of future compensation.  罹难者是无心造成的大灾难而。

Applicable  Concept : Rationale Victimisation Malaysia 911 spiritual can behave
like Hotels ?  - Continuous Trespasses constitute serious violation and disasters.


擅自进入及侵入别人的地区,然而放炸弹爆炸及危害别人的财物及财宝是一种很有面子及名誉地位孩子。为什么他要这样子做呢?那是因为对方被自己最信任,值得托福终生的徒儿及孩子被出卖及欺骗了?那是因为自己的心完全放不下,知哭,灭哭及观空所有人生的美丽缘分及信任如此憔悴及脆弱的一面。那就是若有众生,伪作沙门,心非沙门,破用常住JASON  TAN 及马来西亚的罹难者不甘心自己是被跳楼的罹难者像冤魂恶鬼索命,因为他们死于不甘心,因为他们感觉自己一直互相呵护及疼惜的一表人才的大老板是如此风度翩翩的气量。

为什么JASON TAN 及其他的罹难者死的不安详及安详,因为他们是被陷害的一个微不足道的罹难者?那是因为JASON Tan 喜欢把痛苦及煎熬放在别人身体?

《为什么JASON TAN  伤害我们家人特别有名誉地位》


有时候,爱情是无法抵挡所有的面包的引诱,因为我们是自私自利,总喜欢编制自己棒棒糖的豆芽梦?是否JASON  TAN 的爱情缘分及孩子的缘分只在于名誉地位的熏陶当中,名誉地位的跑车,高贵名著的名牌学校,高贵名牌的公司,什么都是高贵名著的美丽缘分在他心中?甚至高贵名牌毕业的高尚工人,而我呢只是小小草的污浊的乡村大学毕业?

由于这些名牌大学,跑车,公司及工人把品牌的金漆招牌洒的闪闪发亮,那是因为ERNST & YOUNG 的金漆招牌如秦使王的免死招牌一样的五蕴宝石一样可以发挥神威武力的小叮当魔法的法力一样深不可彻?那就是人世间最有神奇力量的HEDONISM 宝石一样发出闪闪发亮的亮晶晶的神奇宝玉。他可以起死回生还有很多作用用途。



Once the hedonism versus pleasure management is going to control to the whole world as a  communise  countries.  It just  because he like to build the painfulness and torment emotions to the slave person, without using any emotional intelligence, humanistic way to take care and love the nations of Israel. It all just because he suffered a lot betrayal relationships  as a result of mistrust, no confidence, no faith, hopeless, helplessness, no romantic marriage moistures, disappointment, bitterness about their life as perceived and interpreted as a bitterness in struggling their life. Where he found that more bitterness than death, whose is snare, whose heart is trap, whose hand on chain, and there is a big social gap between rich and poor which constitutes a huge social comparison gap. (半认知的思维力量)

Lost lover – losing direction and pathway

When someone lost love in their life, it was quite dreadful weary in lifting up their burden in chasing whatever of blissful form of life. When they lost love, there is no energy and lord pathway direction continue to their live. According to the Sternberg, when there is love of compassion, passion and commitment which is like our alliance energy in our faith that placed and stored in our conscious and unconscious minds.  At the bottom part, our bottom parts superego and ego had been programming and being computerised automatically about our past trained behaviour, perception, attitudes, morality, loving attachment style which had shape in our life. This is because given in the past memories and unconscious mind, our mind actually is being computerised to behaved, response our own emotion that are reflected parallel from the past and small young time. Therefore, our behaviour in the baby times is a golden time to shaping and forming our personalities that are able to endure all the stress management and also the endurance power and energy especially in humiliation, scolding and canning time.

According to the Ecclesiastes 8: 9 Obey The King

I used my conscious mind and unconscious mind to perform everything done under sun. There is a time when a man lord it over others to his own hurt, then, I saw the wick buried, those who used to come and go with sinfulness heart.

NLP – Why behave Violence under conscious mind ?
When you aware what are you doing regardless of whatever form cognitive and turned to behaviour acts and activities. Someone is tried to hurt and bullied me using unwanted emotions and no politeness, where they tempted to behave violence, aggressive, depression, anxiety, remorse revenge, narcissim 。(半认知)



认知 CONSCIOUS MIND)及半认知头脑(UNCONSCIOUS  MIND)的分别心就是认知的思维力量遭受了极大的压力,那是因为他的生意不顺利,老婆不爱他,被DESMOND出卖, 被LAI YEN 玩办公室政治与她的得力好助手,金钱拮据,孩子的负担的补习费很负担及压力,债主的追捕,股市的滑落,还有很多让您喘不起来,尤其这些精神压力被封闭及遮盖,会产生另一种精神DEPRESSION,精神分裂症,特别把痛苦建在别人身上。一旦精神分裂症的神经病,他们的六根(眼镜,耳朵,鼻子,嘴巴,触觉)互相与五脏六腑沟通的时候显得特别敏感及脆弱,那是因为他们的压力管理系统已经毁灭了,包括内分泌的免疫系统的时钟也乱了,导致所有的观点、情绪、语言、自我意识和行为与环境沟通的免疫系统被压力管理的时钟互相化出互相来往的信息系统凌乱及被骚乱了,导致所有的谈吐及思维能量的免疫系统出现毛病及故障的DOPAMINERGIC SYSTEM的缺陷及失去了沟通能力及语无伦次。

精神分裂症的毛病的后遗症是他们的精神特别衰弱,那是因为他们的、观点、情绪、语言、自我意识和行为出现脆弱,敏感,那是因为他们的思维能量有一股阴影及压力的FLASHLIGHT的可怕及不好回忆,特别相遇同一事,同一物,特别会刺激所有当天发生的半认知的头脑里一架电视影画机一样,那是因为我们的办认知智慧力量被某某影画画面有伤害及欺负的打压当下。然而这些不开心的画面会被泪佛珠的一串串的滑下来,内分泌的荷尔蒙会刺激另一种心中的怕怕的七情六欲的荷尔蒙,自然泪佛珠将与化学的血清素会与SYNPASERECEPTOR 出现一种电疗ElECTRICAL AND CHEMICAL NEUROTRANSMITTERS to be 融合在血液及其他免疫系统当中。

  • 幻觉:听到、看到或感觉到不存在的事物
  • 妄想:在当事人的文化中得不到他人认同且就算有相反的证据仍坚定持有的错误信念或怀疑
  • 行为异常:漫无目的地游荡、喃喃自语或自己笑、外貌奇特、忽视自我或显得蓬头垢面等行为紊乱情况
  • 说话混乱:讲话语无伦次或不着边际
  • 情绪紊乱:态度明显淡漠或所报告的情绪与所观察到的情绪之间脱节,例如面部表情或肢体语言
那是因为他的认知头脑CONSCIOUS MIND)被六根清净,色受想行识的个人修练可以与美丽的环境沟通,而达到

trespasses fall into the category of “accident law” as well, but those trespasses are typically bona fide or de minimis encroachments.  Familiar examples are mistaken entry into another person’s unfenced land and a U-turn by a car that inadvertently drives over privately owned grass.  For these and other minimal encroachments, the liability rule protection is appropriate—a proposition we fully rationalize in Part II.C.
Continuous trespasses that constitute a serious violation of a person’s ownership do not typically fall into the “accident between strangers” category.  These trespasses are virtually always deliberate.  Most importantly, the trespasser can almost always negotiate a transaction with the owner before trespassing.  The owner’s harm from a continuous trespass is different in kind from ordinary tort damages.  This harm includes more than just a temporary occupation of the owner’s property, damage to her land and fixtures, the cost of removing the trespass, and the psychological harm suffered from all of the above.  It also includes the violation of the owner’s right to exclude others.

"Glorious" by David Archuleta from Meet the Mormons Cover by One Voice C...

"Glorious" by David Archuleta from Meet the Mormons Cover by One Voice C...

"Glorious" by David Archuleta from Meet the Mormons Cover by One Voice C...

Libera - Angel (performed live at Universal Studios Japan)

Libera - Angel (performed live at Universal Studios Japan)

Wednesday, 24 October 2018


Sadism and masochism 受虐狂 is an illness and disorder in our conscious and unconscious minds in struggling in continuing our life even there is a tragedy disasters, such as earthquake, soil erosion, Japan reactor explosion, world wars, economic barriers, aircraft tragedy and etc. Individually might face overwhelming pressure, forces and intense as a result witnessing a lot of people sacrifice their life innocently. This is because they lost hope, direction and pathway in continuing their prosper and wealth in the abandon city, such as Mekah, USA 911 in struggling the survival as an usual and normal operating reporting status quo.

A lot of times, the root cause whose inflicting the hatred, hateness, upward and downward jealousy, social injustice and social oppression is due to existence holy war in following their own spiritual with respective their own religion.

When there is a fight and fight mode, in the event of uncertainties such as natural disasters, earthquake. A lot of people went to commit  altruistic suicide due to the stress that they are facing is quite overwhelming, until they lost their lost emotional intelligence, IQ and stress control in walking the lamb of god pathway in the name of Kingdom of Lord. This is because those victims of sadism is having self-criticism, bodily harm self-attack, tormenting thought of death and self-torturing especially in the condition of hopeless and helplessness. It all just because he or she unable to cope those pressure, forces and hardship when someone betrayed you, I betrayed you. You slap me, I slap you in returns with all those hatred, hateness, revenge and resentment towards you with high anger of jealousy burn in the fire of hell.

A tree and its fruit <Mathew 7:8>
By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bear good fruit, but a bad tree bears bead fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into fire. Thus by their fruit you will recognize them.

Lesson learnt from JTA Eura Audit International - Malaysia 911

A good leader would receive blossom and harvest like expanding branches roots, stems and leaves located in different territories if he or she really nurture and educate the subordinates and co-workers with teamwork building spirituals with the desires and ambitions to achieve quality service and products in attaining the economy, efficiency and effectiveness and value of audit money.

How about Bad tree bears rotten fruits ?

Lord love the nations with love of lords - moisture, land, fresh air, flora and fauna, ocean and mountains, four season changes and dried and wet weathers. Every nurtue versus environment is live and peaceful by conveying the messages to the human being and live stock about mind and body is humanistic way to continue life harmoniously and peacefully.

Why rotten fruits ?


There is selfish, dark, anger, violence turmoil are being stuck inside the struggle and massive hardship in sailoring the lamb of god which is losing direction pathway of the lord faith, it allowed us to taste what is a kind of feeling in a conquer fight and fight mode and turmoil environments among the faithless adulteries in a hopeless and helpless Israel. 

One of the factor that inflicting the turmoil in harvesting the bad rotten fruit trees, It all just because human being's wisdom and desires in digging  the precious jewellery just to have desires to walked into Kingdom of Lord in rise up the faith to everyone in the world regardless whatever religion belief. Why lord want to teach and punish us what is the meaning the good and bad apple in our life ? But inside the bible just mentioned about the holy and unholy spirituals.

Lesson learnt with world war : Sadism > Altruistic Suicide

Actually, why our lord design and create so many livestocks, human nature, birds, ocean wave creatures stayed inside the world,  where some social animals can live harmonically and fighting each and another.


This is so teach our next generation about the "righteous" and "wrongfullness" about our internal state of  knowledge, wisdom and emotional intelligence that are communicated parellel with the language, rasional and logic through the surrounding environments.

Even there is a huge humiliation, assault, bullied, harsh scolding, rage, sarcastic criticism in our darkness heart, we still need to continue our life even we lost the lover one.  This is because there is evil, wicked man maximum the pain and minimise the pleasure in accelerating their intense pain and torment feelings and emotions. This is so called egoism versus hedonism.

Root of Sadism :  Unpleasant Office Politics,  World War in the Country

Bawaku bersamamu berjalan dalam kehendaku







conscious mind

A lot of people went to commit  altruistic suicide due to the stress that they are facing is quite overwhelming, until they lost their lost emotional intelligence, IQ and stress control in walking the lamb of god pathway in the name of Kingdom of Lord. 


Bill Clinton becomes president
Clinton faced intense competition for the Democratic nomination as a  president.

Although He was not educated from a prosper university or school in a underdeveloped cities. He personal success is regard his personal scandal and outstanding viewpoint and aspiration that he would like to bring prosperity to USA cities. He dare to point out that national government lack of experience in understanding the foreign policy - that is to avoid military service during the Vietnam War.

Clinton make a constructive criticism regarding economic reformation and being admired and selection as an America President- to resolve the issues of  unemployment and health care. 

He supported the 1993 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which made a single trading unit of the United States, Canada, and Mexico

President Clinton and Vice President Gore launched their economic strategy: 
(1) establishing fiscal discipline, eliminating the budget deficit, keeping interest rates low, and spurring private-sector investment;
 (2) investing in people through education, training, science, and research; and 
(3) opening foreign markets so American workers can compete abroad. After eight years, the results of President Clinton's economic leadership are clear. Record budget deficits have become record surpluses, 22 million new jobs have been created, unemployment and core inflation are at their lowest levels in more than 30 years, and America is in the midst of the longest economic expansion in our history.

The Great Success of Bill Clinton in cerebration the wealth and prosper of USA cities : -

The USA economic reformation had brought out humanistic, independence, freedom of trade, protection right workers in a healthy environment, eliminate child labor. His own fiscal economic policy is to maintain sound system of corporate governance and detect red flags and reporting those charged with corporate governance by having intensive education, training and research and developments.

Japan Hiroshima World War II
The Enola Gay, dropped the first atomic bomb, "Little Boy," over the Japanese city of Hiroshima, during World War II, on August 6, 1945. The bomb wiped out 90 percent of the city and instantly killed an estimated 80,000 people.
Three days later, the U.S. dropped a second bomb, "Fat Boy," on Nagasaki killing an estimated 40,000 on August 9. Tens of thousands died later in both cities from the effects of the nuclear bombs. Their destructive p sands died later in both cities from the effects of the nuclear bombs. Their  ower was unprecedented, incinerating buildings and people, and leaving lifelong scars on survivors, both physical and psychological, and on the cities themselves.
Days later, World War II was over. Japan's Emperor Hirohito announced his country's unconditional surrender on August 15, 1945, describing the devastating power of "a new and most cruel bomb."

Sadistic personality disorder (SDP) is characterized by an individual’s pattern of cruel, harsh, aggressive, intimidating, humiliating, and demeaning behavior. The disorder has been the subject of several studies and originally appeared in the DSM-III-R (American Psychiatric Association 1987). The disorder was included because of an effort to distinguish it from antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) or psychopathy since the constellation of traits descriptive of an individual with sadistic behavior patterns was not sufficiently explained by existing disorders (Chabrol et al. 2009). The belief that the different constellations would be useful in diagnosing individuals is what led the diagnosis to appear in the appendix of the DSM-III-R, under a section entitled, “Proposed Diagnostic Categories Requiring Further Study.” There was considerable support for including the diagnosis. A survey of forensic psychiatrists had revealed, for example, that 50% of them had, at some time, evaluated in a forensic setting a subject who exhibited behavior that met the criteria for the disorder (Spitzer et al. 1991). It was hoped that the disorder’s inclusion would stimulate further research. Eventually, however, concerns about the disorder’s validity, usefulness, and lack of supportive research led to its exclusion from other versions of more recent diagnostic manuals.



人生吗?就是上帝在考验我们的六根清净,色受想行识,如何善用您的智慧与欲望沟通在人生的低潮,痛苦,重創、沮喪、挫折, 無助的环境打开心灵智慧门锁。倘若您把心中的封闭的宗教信仰的心门打开,您就可以看见上帝的天国的百灵鸟,喜鹊,互相歌颂着上帝的爱及严厉对于世界的一片苦芯莲要他们明白花草树木,鸟语花香,山明水秀,明天会更美丽,珍惜缘分。



研究上發現,有信仰的人身心 比較健康,生活上會感到比較幸 福,當他們受創的時候,受到挫折 的時候,承受力比較高,精神生活 也比較能夠提升。生命中有時難免 要面對很多的痛苦,重創、沮喪、 無助,但當我們有了宗教信仰,在 碰到難題的時候,信仰讓我們比較 能夠去包容這些痛苦、挫折,進而 去面對它,這就是宗教信仰在心理 歷程上最重要的功效。 (待續

However, we are still left with the problem of innocent people suffering violent deaths by the Israelites acting under God’s orders.

by the language of the groups, which serves to explain to its members what is happening and to justify their desires, motives, and behavior. Frames tell people what is and what is not proper, acceptable, and possible with their world. They define and categorize for their members situations, settings, scenes, identities, roles, and relationships. When people join sadomasochistic groups, or any other kind of group, they are taught not only frames, but also the conceptual tools or "keys" for defining, applying, transforming, and limiting them. Frame analysis helps make sense of findings that might otherwise be difficult to explain. For example, the apparently puzzling existence in the S&M subculture of "dominant" women and "submissive" men when the larger society to which these individuals also belong prescribes aggressiveness for males and passivity for females may be explained in terms of makebelieve, fantasy, and the theatrical frame. Lack of generalization into the larger world of roles and relationships developed within the sadomasochistic subworld is explained in terms of how behavior is "keyed". A number of areas that have not been fully developed here could be profitably explored. For example, although we have attended to the structuring and limiting of S&M frames, we have not explored misframings, miskeyings, breaking frame, and other errors and their consequences for interactants. Hollander, for instance, provides an example in which an S&M episode was miskeyed with disastrous results. Another issue for further exploration involves the ways in which the language of S&M structures the relations between participants in the world by building in notions of activity and passivity and tying these to particular roles in the interaction. The specific identities of people as "dominant" or "submissive", the ways in which they arrive at a recognition of these self-identities, and the stability of these orientations await investigation.

Monday, 22 October 2018








Pathological is an adjective as defined by American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, meaning:
1. Of or relating to pathology.
2. Relating to or caused by disease.
3. Of, relating to, or manifesting behavior that is habitual, maladaptive, and compulsive.
Therefore, a pathological person is someone who has a behavior, typically caused by or related to a disease, that causes habits, adaptations, and compulsive issues. Are sadism and masochism pathological disorders?
“Until recently, homosexuality was considered to be a mental disorder, just as sexual masochism and sexual sadism, the clinical entities that encompass BDSM behaviors, are considered to be mental disorders…” (Lawrence & Love-Crowell, 2008)
But, does this mean that just as attitudes and society have begun to change in regard to homosexuality, they may change in regard to alternative sexual variations?



(l) Insurance Contract (continued) (i) Product Classification (continued) Surpluses in the DPF funds can be distributed on an approximate 90/10 basis in accordance with BNM’s guidelines -

Management of Insurance Funds to the policyholders and the shareholder respectively. The Company has the discretion over the amount and timing of the distribution of these surpluses to policyholders. All DPF liabilities, including unallocated surpluses, both guaranteed and discretionary, at the end of the reporting period are held within insurance or investment contract liabilities, as appropriate. 

Definisi Insurans 

Setiap pemilik polisi insurans menaruh harapan yang tinggi terhadap masa hadapan mereka, dimana mereka memiliki nafsu serta ilmu pengetahuan untuk membina sebuah rumah yang selamat serta kukuh terutamanya dalam mengeratkan hubungan mesra, cinta, selamat bagi menaruh harapan bijih benih yang memiliki multi vitamins serta mineral yang sihat, lazat serta berzat. Selain daripada itu, setiap pemilik polisi insurans merupakan satu pelita hidup bagi menginsuranskan nyawa kami dalam menghidupkan nyawa harapan spiritual serta carian hidup harian alat aparatus bagi menghidupkan nyawa serta harapan bijih benih, terutamanya sasaran kumpulan yang kurang bernasib baik apabila mereka hilang primari atau sekunder pertolongan serta sokongan daripada ahili keluarga.

Maka, setiap industri insurans memiliki sosial tanggungjawab bagi mencipta produk insurans kontigensi bagi menginsuranskan semua kemalangan serta disasters alam semulajadi dapat diinsuranskan dengan pampasan ganti rugi yang seimbang, walaupun disasters adalah berpunca daripada secara semulajadi atau tidak bercara alam semulajadi. Ini adalah kerana setiap disasters alam semulajadi adalah berpunca daripada kecuaian manusia, kesalahan serta slips and lapse mengenai tingkah laku manusia adalah kebanyakan berpunca daripada permulaan kognitif, kelakuan serta respons tehadap emosi. Walaupun kecuaian manusia boleh diinsuranskan, ia dengan syarat memenuhi konteks insurans polisi adalah bertujuan untuk mengembalikan konteks persekitaran kawalan dalaman atau stocks yang dimusnah, diceroboh, dicuri, dibakar, dibasuh oleh pencemaran air serta banjir. Ini adalah bertujuan untuk mengembalikan tahap keyakinan, sosial sekuriti keselamatan, status kewangan yang kukuh,  bagi menjamin masa depan sosial sekuriti terutamanya kepada kumpulan orang yang kurang bernasib baik, warga emas, orang yang cacat serta pesakit yang kritikal dapat bantuan serta pertolongan yang secepat mungkin supaya semua kumpulan yang bernasib baik dapat pertolongan dengera segera dengan menbina sebuah korporat tanggungjawab sosial yang bersukarela dengan menerima segala bantuan serta pertolongan segera. Ini adalah kerana masyarakat sosial tidak patut memberi fokus utama dalam mengaji kajian roket, senjata bernuklear atau senapang dan pistol bagi mengukuhkan status quo tertamanya di dalam masyarakat konteks sosial, politik, teknologi dan perundangan yang setimbang waras yang wajar.

Insurance industry is showing pleasure of appreciation and gratitute, emphaty, altruism to those who need the support from the tree of life of insurance industry in donation the bloodstream of human being in supplying the moisture of help of angel hand for those victimisation that to touch your emphaty heart and hands in holding your hand to strengthen your root, stem and leaves for long term survival in your kingdom of lord to continue your life and hope in order to undergoing what is life and death. All these undergoing process is help you understand what is the meaning purpose of life. As we knew that, life is full of challenges and trials in pressing our pressure in developing our limited cognitive wisdom in lifting up our wisdom and pressure in maintaining the healthy social lifestyle. Thus, we are able to cope the challenges and pressure in maintaining any contingency that might have any social uncertainty and remote losses in facing any losses and damages in reporting back any unforeseen liabilities and damages as coverage in compensating their supporting collateral damages as a investment tool to pool their risks in payback their internal rate of returns of their professional insurance indemnity coverage.

As we knew our society is very cruel and very selfish, there is no any formal and official knowledge, rules and regulation to govern and supervise those unfortunate group of victims in helping to raise up in the event of any uncertainty and risks that might pose tho those victims in facing their struggling and difficulties in praying the help from the angels of Great Eestern Life Bhd. (Great Eastern Life Bhd is stand for Gentle Eyes in saving our life ), the phrase of < in saving our standing for Bhd or plc),  爱心天使如观世音菩萨在救济大苦大难的罹难者的慈善机构,永远

Great Eastern Life Bhd is to pooling their confidence, trust, faith of stakeholders in accumulating the wealth and prosperity in helping the poor people in maintain social security individually. The concept where we used is to gather those lucky person wealth and giving angel hands to unlucky person by averaging their risk in awaiting maturity period and at the same time in return back their invested funds through out the periods by taken into account of  rates of return in paid back their IRR returns.The  rationale behind the investment tools is to leverage all the stakeholder's fund in pooling the collection and invested portfolio of the investment income and earning working capital cashflow income. In order to meet the demand and supply of the critical funds from the whole world in achieving the threshold of safety levels in allocating and distributing 

corporate governance

心中园知觉  上帝滴懊悔泪佛珠

profesionalism  - judgement, bias
, expectation
bible study - pouring of raining moisture, poor and rich
DPF - contigent liabilities, foreseeable remote loss - estimation losses
sound system of internal control - 
investment held for maturity period - amortisation cost

Amortized cost is that accumulated portion of the recorded cost of a fixed asset that has been charged to expense through either depreciation or amortization. Depreciation is used to ratably reduce the cost of a tangible fixed asset, and amortization is used to ratably reduce the cost of an intangible fixed asset.

For financial options and guarantees which are not closely related to the host insurance contract and/or investment contracts with DPF, bifurcation is required to measure these embedded derivatives separately at fair value through profit or loss. 

However, bifurcation is not required if the embedded derivative is itself an insurance contract and/or investment contract with DPF, or if the host insurance contract and/or investment contract itself is measured at fair value through profit or loss. For the purpose of product classification, the Company adopts maximum policy benefits as the proxy for insurance risk and cash surrender value as the proxy for realisable value of the insurance contract on surrender. The Company defines insurance risk to be significant when the ratio of the insurance risk over the deposit component is not less than 105% of the deposit component at any point of the insurance contract in force. Based on this definition, all policy contracts issued by the Company are considered insurance contracts as at the date of this balance sheet. 

(ii) Types of Insurance Contracts Insurance contract liabilities are classified into principal components as follows: 

(a) Life Assurance contract liabilities comprising: - Participating Fund contract liabilities; - Non Participating Fund contract liabilities; and - Investment Linked Fund contract liabilities.

(b) Reinsurance contracts

 (iii) Life Assurance Contract Liabilities Insurance contracts are recognised and measured in accordance with the terms and conditions of the respective insurance contracts and are based on regulatory guidelines. Premiums, claims and benefit payments, acquisition and management expenses and valuation of future policy benefit payments or premium reserve as the case may be, are recognised in the income statement of the respective fund。

988 《新春花开齐欢畅》Chinese New Year Song

988 《新春花开齐欢畅》Chinese New Year Song

988 《新春花开齐欢畅》Chinese New Year Song

988 《新春花开齐欢畅》Chinese New Year Song




Saturday, 20 October 2018

南無消災延壽藥師佛。佛教音樂。佛曲佛歌。佛經佛法 Buddhism Music Mp3 Wiki

南無消災延壽藥師佛。佛教音樂。佛曲佛歌。佛經佛法 Buddhism Music Mp3 Wiki



(l) Insurance Contract (continued) (i) Product Classification (continued) Surpluses in the DPF funds can be distributed on an approximate 90/10 basis in accordance with BNM’s guidelines -

Management of Insurance Funds to the policyholders and the shareholder respectively. The Company has the discretion over the amount and timing of the distribution of these surpluses to policyholders. All DPF liabilities, including unallocated surpluses, both guaranteed and discretionary, at the end of the reporting period are held within insurance or investment contract liabilities, as appropriate. 

Definisi Insurans 

Setiap pemilik polisi insurans menaruh harapan yang tinggi terhadap masa hadapan mereka, dimana mereka memiliki nafsu serta ilmu pengetahuan untuk membina sebuah rumah yang selamat serta kukuh terutamanya dalam mengeratkan hubungan mesra, cinta, selamat bagi menaruh harapan bijih benih yang memiliki multi vitamins serta mineral yang sihat, lazat serta berzat. Selain daripada itu, setiap pemilik polisi insurans merupakan satu pelita hidup bagi menginsuranskan nyawa kami dalam menghidupkan nyawa harapan spiritual serta carian hidup harian alat aparatus bagi menghidupkan nyawa serta harapan bijih benih, terutamanya sasaran kumpulan yang kurang bernasib baik apabila mereka hilang primari atau sekunder pertolongan serta sokongan daripada ahili keluarga.

Maka, setiap industri insurans memiliki sosial tanggungjawab bagi mencipta produk insurans kontigensi bagi menginsuranskan semua kemalangan serta disasters alam semulajadi dapat diinsuranskan dengan pampasan ganti rugi yang seimbang, walaupun disasters adalah berpunca daripada secara semulajadi atau tidak bercara alam semulajadi. Ini adalah kerana setiap disasters alam semulajadi adalah berpunca daripada kecuaian manusia, kesalahan serta slips and lapse mengenai tingkah laku manusia adalah kebanyakan berpunca daripada permulaan kognitif, kelakuan serta respons tehadap emosi. Walaupun kecuaian manusia boleh diinsuranskan, ia dengan syarat memenuhi konteks insurans polisi adalah bertujuan untuk mengembalikan konteks persekitaran kawalan dalaman atau stocks yang dimusnah, diceroboh, dicuri, dibakar, dibasuh oleh pencemaran air serta banjir. Ini adalah bertujuan untuk mengembalikan tahap keyakinan, sosial sekuriti keselamatan, status kewangan yang kukuh,  bagi menjamin masa depan sosial sekuriti terutamanya kepada kumpulan orang yang kurang bernasib baik, warga emas, orang yang cacat serta pesakit yang kritikal dapat bantuan serta pertolongan yang secepat mungkin supaya semua kumpulan yang bernasib baik dapat pertolongan dengera segera dengan menbina sebuah korporat tanggungjawab sosial yang bersukarela dengan menerima segala bantuan serta pertolongan segera. Ini adalah kerana masyarakat sosial tidak patut memberi fokus utama dalam mengaji kajian roket, senjata bernuklear atau senapang dan pistol bagi mengukuhkan status quo tertamanya di dalam masyarakat konteks sosial, politik, teknologi dan perundangan yang setimbang waras yang wajar.

Adakah setiap industri multi nasional akan melaksanakan korporat tanggungjawab dalam membaharui insurans pendidikan pinjaman secara balas budi serta mengikut tahap pencapaian akademik. Dimana, mereka fokus kepada kumpulan sasaran kanak-kanak kecil dengan menyalurkan saluran pertolongan dalam bentuk insentif pendidikan dalam pinjaman kewangan. Dengan cara itu, kebanyakan industri multi nasional akan menyebar bijih benih yang cinta serta setia kepada multi nasional tersebut dalam menanam semangat patriotik, taat setia serta hormat-menghormati terhadap korporat syarikat yang disalurkan pinjaman selama ini.

Dengan cara ini, walaupun multi nasional korporat
invest in rumah anak yaktim
pooling fund those from unfortunate
how to earn money ?
fokus kepada warga emas, ilmu pengetahuan yang berharga serta bernilai
memberikan inspirasi, idea serta generasasi ilmu pengetahuan dalam memberi sumbangan idea
terhadap proses pemprosesan secara keseluruhan dalam memberikan idea aspirasi  produk, tempat, harga serta masa dalam proses pemetakan pasaran.

insurans pendidikan - sekolah, hospital,
produk polisi insurans yang kurang bernasib baik di kalangan industri yang berat,
tujuan menyalurkan bantuan biasiswa semasa budak kecil sehinggan universiti, dia perlu melaporkan diri balik tehadap industri syarikat yang diinsuranskan bagi membalas budi. Dimana, budak yang bernasib kurang yang baik akan menerima sejumpalah wang sara hidup yang optimal, dimana sebahagian pula akan dipulang balik. Pada masa yang sama, semua belanja and pendapatan wang tunai masuk keluar and masuk adalah sangat cair serta pusingan ganti balanja penghutang adalah sangat cair serta tidak ketak, maka gearan syarikat tersebut adalah dipanggil sihat serta selamat hidup berlebih-lebih tahun yang lepas itu.

showing pleasure of appreciation and gratitute, emphaty, altruism to those who need the support from the tree of life of insurance industry in donation the bloodstream of human being in supplying the moisture of help of angel hand for those victimisation that to touch your emphaty heart and hands in holding your hand to strengthen your root, stem and leaves for long term survival in your kingdom of lord to continue your life and hope in order to undergoing what is life and death. All these undergoing process is help you understand what is the meaning purpose of life. As we knew that, life is full of challenges and trials in pressing our pressure in developing our limited cognitive wisdom in lifting
 lifting up our wisdom and pressure in maintaining the healthy social lifestyle. Thus, we are able to cope the challenges and pressure in maintaining any contingency that might have any social uncertainty and remote losses in facing any losses and damages in reporting back any unforeseen liabilities and damages as coverage in compensating their supporting collateral damages as a investment tool to pool their risks in payback their internal rate of returns of their professional insurance indemnity coverage.

As we knew our society is very cruel and very selfish, there is no any formal and official knowledge, rules and regulation to govern and supervise those unfortunate group of victims in helping to raise up in the event of any uncertainty and risks that might pose tho those victims in facing their struggling and difficulties in praying the help from the angels of Great Eestern Life Bhd. (Great Eastern Life Bhd is stand for Gentle Eyes in saving our life ), the phrase of < in saving our standing for Bhd or plc),  爱心天使如观世音菩萨在救济大苦大难的罹难者的慈善机构,永远

Great Eastern Life Bhd is to pooling their confidence, trust, faith of stakeholders in accumulating the wealth and prosperity in helping the poor people in maintain social security individually. The concept where we used is to gather those lucky person wealth and giving angel hands to unlucky person by averaging their risk in awaiting maturity period and at the same time in return back their invested funds through out the periods by taken into account of  rates of return in paid back their IRR returns.The  rationale behind the investment tools is to leverage all the stakeholder's fund in pooling the collection and invested portfolio of the investment income and earning working capital cashflow income. In order to meet the demand and supply of the critical funds from the whole world in achieving the threshold of safety levels in allocating and distributing 

corporate governance

心中园知觉  上帝滴懊悔泪佛珠

profesionalism  - judgement, bias, expectation
bible study - pouring of raining moisture, poor and rich
DPF - contigent liabilities, foreseeable remote loss - estimation losses
sound system of internal control - 
investment held for maturity period - amortisation cost

Amortized cost is that accumulated portion of the recorded cost of a fixed asset that has been charged to expense through either depreciation or amortization. Depreciation is used to ratably reduce the cost of a tangible fixed asset, and amortization is used to ratably reduce the cost of an intangible fixed asset.

For financial options and guarantees which are not closely related to the host insurance contract and/or investment contracts with DPF, bifurcation is required to measure these embedded derivatives separately at fair value through profit or loss. 

However, bifurcation is not required if the embedded derivative is itself an insurance contract and/or investment contract with DPF, or if the host insurance contract and/or investment contract itself is measured at fair value through profit or loss. For the purpose of product classification, the Company adopts maximum policy benefits as the proxy for insurance risk and cash surrender value as the proxy for realisable value of the insurance contract on surrender. The Company defines insurance risk to be significant when the ratio of the insurance risk over the deposit component is not less than 105% of the deposit component at any point of the insurance contract in force. Based on this definition, all policy contracts issued by the Company are considered insurance contracts as at the date of this balance sheet. 

(ii) Types of Insurance Contracts Insurance contract liabilities are classified into principal components as follows: 

(a) Life Assurance contract liabilities comprising: - Participating Fund contract liabilities; - Non Participating Fund contract liabilities; and - Investment Linked Fund contract liabilities.

(b) Reinsurance contracts

 (iii) Life Assurance Contract Liabilities Insurance contracts are recognised and measured in accordance with the terms and conditions of the respective insurance contracts and are based on regulatory guidelines. Premiums, claims and benefit payments, acquisition and management expenses and valuation of future policy benefit payments or premium reserve as the case may be, are recognised in the income statement of the respective fund。